About me
I’ve been asked to write something about myself for my website…
…and every time I’ve sat down to do so, I stare at a blank page.
At first, I thought it might be because I was procrastinating (see my course for help on this issue), but after a bit of digging, I concluded that I don’t like talking about myself. More to the point, I don’t like defining myself in a blurb. It’s not because I’m shy. It’s not because I’m reserved. It’s just that I’ve been practising the ThetaHealing technique since 2011, and in that time, I’ve come to realise that everything is temporary, the person I was a decade ago has a vague resemblance to the person I am now, and I’m looking forward to seeing who and what I am a decade from now.
The more beliefs I clear, the more the world I think, feel and operate in changes. So, if you’d like a sentence or two to describe me, I guess I’d say that I’m a dreamer and have invested in my dreams for long enough now to know that what I dream becomes reality. I know that I can create amazing things and that if I perceive limitations in any area of my life, it’s my responsibility to work out how I think they’re serving me and shift them.
Because I’ve had so much success doing this within myself, it gives me great pleasure to help others go beyond their perceived limitations and create new worldviews and ways of moving in the world, either in session or in the classroom.
I’ve recently started teaching the ThetaHealing technique full-time but have been teaching in various institutions and countries since 2005, from English as a Second Language to Pathway Programs, so I feel comfortable in a room full of people, helping them to learn new skills and encouraging them to discover things about themselves they may not have previously known.
At this point, I’m happily single and enjoy hanging out with my fur babies, meeting my parents for coffee, reading, watching movies, spending time in my garden and rejuvenating my spirits in nature. The natural beauty within and around Armidale is one of the reasons I choose to live in regional NSW. But as I say, I’m a work in progress; life is constantly in motion, and everything changes. A few years ago, I would have said that travel was the greatest love of my life. And even as I write that, I know I’m lying to myself. My greatest love, which has remained constant throughout my life in terms of interest and conscious development, is my intuition. I hope it will always be the same.
I’ve just (re)added writing to my daily routine, and I’m hoping that a year from now, I will have added a published author to my bio, but my sense of self-worth isn’t hung up on the outcome. The main thing for me is whether I enjoy spending time writing. If not, what’s the point of doing it?
I’d like to thank you for taking the time to read this. I look forward to meeting you in class, in session, or just at a café someday.
Oh, by the way, if you’re reading this thinking, ‘it’s OK for some. She has a charmed life. Of course, it’s easy.’ I should probably mention that I started my ThetaHealing journey from a place of great stress and desperation caused by numerous traumatic events, which finally piled on top of each other like some horrific car crash in my 30s. In short, I was at my wit’s end.
I just don’t talk about that stuff very much because it doesn’t resonate with me anymore. I rarely think about the trauma; the events, situations, people and places don’t even show up in my nightmares. I’m just over it. I won’t pretend that happened quickly and easily. It took many classes, many sessions, and me going through a great deal of resistance and attempts to hang on to blame and feelings of injustice before I could step out of it.
Then, I reached the stage where I let it all go. Not because I surrendered to it. Not because I accepted it for what it was (though I did and have). Quite simply, I healed it. I recreated the events that changed my thoughts, feelings, and everything else. I started to truly love myself. I started to see how everything that I thought was hopeless, helpless and completely #$%^&* helped me get where I am today. And I LOVE where I am today. Sure, I’m manifesting a mansion by the coast with many acres, but that doesn’t stop me from loving where I am now.
So whether you’re in your power and seeking to create even more new and wonderful experiences and opportunities OR feeling desperate and hopeless, I can help you improve the quality of your life. It’s up to you to take the first step and truly commit to yourself.
I think that’s it now. I’ll be at the cafe enjoying a delicious cake, free from guilt. I call them Foodgasms and highly recommend them. ; ) I look forward to watching you soar.