Location, Australia

Package Deals

The Transformation Package
$22,000 AUD paid in full or $1166 AUD a month, paid for 24 months.
Special until April 30th, 2025 $18,999 AUD paid in full OR $999 AUD a month paid for 24 months OR $1699 a month paid for 12 months.

What you get:
Dig Deeper
You and the Creator
Manifesting and Abundance
Soul Mate
You and Your Significant Other
You and Your Inner Circle
World Relations
Intuitive Anatomy
Disease and Disorder
Game of Life
PLUS Healing/Mentoring
Fifty 1 hour healing/mentoring sessions (each one- hour session usually costs $440 AUD). When you consider the cost of each seminar, you’re getting a lot of free healings if you take this offer at this price.

This package is for those who are serious about their ThetaHealing® journey. You are committed to being the best version of yourself in this moment with the recognition that change is always possible. You are willing to work towards creating your ideal life with the knowledge that your version of ideal will expand as you clear your beliefs. You are ready to witness your personal transformation and hold space for others.

You may be a ThetaHealing instructor or wish to become one in future.

All seminars may be taken and repeated as often as you like within a 24 month period. The ThetaHealing sessions are intended to help support and mentor you on your journey and are to be taken either twice a week or once a week so that you have intensive support and accountability. ThetaHealing seminars may be offered by Kristen and/or a member of her team. Payment plan is available.

Numbers are strictly limited.

Pay in fullPay over 12 monthspay over 24 months

Would you like 50 ThetaHealing sessions without taking any seminars? For those people willing to commit to their wellbeing over a longer period of time, I’m offering 50 1 hour sessions for $9,999AUD. This works out at $199.98 an hour which is less than what I usually charge for 30 minutes. If you can’t afford to pay in full, you can pay $999 AUD a month for 11 months.

Pay in full for 50 one hour sessionsPay over 11 months for 50 one hour sessions

The Foundation Package
$2280 AUD

Basic, Advanced, Dig Deeper and You and the Creator Thetahealing seminars PLUS  two half-hour healing sessions. These seminars allow you to take more Advanced classes (including Instructor seminars). Must be taken within one year of purchase.

Pay in full

Choose your package

Explore my range of packages, each designed to meet your individual needs. Click HERE for details, including terms and conditions.



AUD paid in full
Seminars must be taken within one year of purchase

  • Basic DNA
  • Advanced DNA
  • Dig Deeper
  • You and the Creator
  • Manifesting & Abundance
  • Soul Mate
Pay in full

$7,250 AUD

AUD paid in full
Seminars must be taken within one year of purchase.

  • World Relations
  • Intuitive Anatomy
  • DNA 3
  • Disease & Disorder
  • Prerequisite: You and the Creator
Pay in full

$10,000 AUD

AUD paid in full

  • World Relations
  • Intuitive Anatomy
  • DNA 3
  • Disease & Disorder
  • 10 half-hour ThetaHealing/coaching sessions to be taken within 12 months of purchase
  • You can repeat these classes as often as you like for 24 months after taking the first class. The first class must be taken within 3 months of purchasing the package. Does not include any retreats or times when I co-teach these classes.
  • Prerequisite: You and the Creator
Pay in full

Love and abundance package $2740 AUD

Allow more love and abundance to flow into all areas of your life with the following classes:
✔️Soul Mates
✔️You and your significant other
✔️You and your inner circle
✔️Manifesting and Abundance
✔️Game of Life
Seminars must be taken once within a year of purchase.

Pay in full