Out with the old, in with the new
This week I’ve made conscious decisions which will impact upon my present and future which both terrify and exhilarate me to my core. I’m not really ready to talk about them yet. Things are still shifting in and around me. But it felt important to acknowledge that the me that is writing this post is thinking and behaving differently to the me of 3 months ago. Not in a bad way. Nothing illegal, immoral or imprudent is happening in my life. But I’ve changed. My attitudes have changed. I’m shedding skin and emerging from my self-imposed cocoon, painfully, vulnerably and playfully.
Quick update, I started writing that a month ago and became distracted by life and work. And what I can say is that the decision to take the plunge and try something new was the best decision I’ve made in a long time. I’m not the same person that I was a month ago. I’m in a zone of creation which makes me more reflective and open to new possibilities and to consider integrating various zones of my life than I was a month ago. Whereas before I thought I needed to fully commit to a job or a business in order to make it work, I can now see that I can have it all if I choose to, in a way that sits comfortably for me. And that is a truly wonderful feeling. So I ask you now, what if you could have your metaphorical cake and eat it, free from the fear of diabetes and other such punishments. What if you could live your life, fully and completely, free from remorse? What if you really understood that shining your light is setting a positive example that allows other people to shine? Would you like to know that it’s possible to live your life in a way that suits you free from justification or hiding your inner most desires? If so, so yes, feel the magic flow in and prepare to immerse yourself in your zone of genius.
With love,